Add products to the catalogue created
For iPad go to App Store on your device, search for Zedonk and download the Zedonk App - N.B Minimum requirements - iPad 4 - iOS 10.3.3
For Android go to Play Store on your device, search for Zedonk and download the Zedonk App
Tick the products you want to add and click [Add X Products]

1. Style Name/Code
2. Fabric Name/Code
3. Colour
4. Product Category - you can search by 1 category or drill down by several
Fields link back to data entered in PRODUCT COSTING in Zedonk.
5. Select to show Images/ Deselect to hide images
6. To clear all filtering
7. To clear all displayed selection
8. To select all displayed
9. To add selected products
10. Products already present in your catalogue will be greyed out in italic with the catalogue icon displayed.
You can either manually enter the same group name from the list view:
Or when editing product details one-by-one, you can select from any existing group names within that section:
Or you can create a new Group Name:
Repeat the process as required; adding products to all the sub sections and grouping where required