Zedonk can create products in Lingo as 'Master Items'
You choose what products you want to send to Lingo: add them to the Connector Catalogue

Name the section + click 'OK'
OR 'OK & Add Another' to add another section Name/ 'OK & Go In' to move onto the season name options for the section you are in.
*The name of the section is not relevant to Lingo and it will not be exported, but it can help you keeping your products tidy on the catalogue.

Add Products to the section

1. Style Name/Code
2. Fabric Name/Code
3. Colour
4. Product Category - you can search by 1 category or drill down by several
Fields link back to data entered in PRODUCT COSTING in Zedonk.
5. Select to show Images/ Deselect to hide images
6. To clear all filtering
7. To clear all displayed selection
8. To select all displayed
9. To add selected products
10. Products already present in your catalogue will be greyed out in italic with the catalogue icon displayed.
Click 'Add X Products' to add the selected products to your catalogue (9)
Your products will then be listed in the catalogue

Column 'Product Price': select the season/seasons for products you are exporting to Lingo.
Zedonk exports the latest price found for each product in the seasons selected.
Settings > Tab: 'Seasons'
Now you are ready to trigger the PRODUCT EXPORT task

Your products will now be created/updated in Lingo as 'Master Items'
NOTE that the barcode number is used as unique identifier for each SKU
You can select the lines you want to show to each Retailer and use the 'Copy Selected Items To Retailer(s)' function in Lingo.