Your Factoring Customers will show additional fields on their Sales Order screen.
Tab 'Order Details' - At the bottom of your page

Factoring Terms: Terms for the Credit Request to Hilldun
Factoring Status: Status of the Credit Request (Pending, Approved, Declined, Hold, etc).
Approved Amount: Amount approved by Hilldun when the Credit Request is approved.
Factoring Response: Date of Response - Reason Code - Terms Description - Expiry Date.
Factoring Terms pulls from your Customer record, but it can be modified directly on the Sales Order.

Make sure your Sales Order is finalised and confirmed by your Customer before sending it to Hilldun.
Once the Credit request has been sent, any change will need to be discussed directly with Hilldun, and not through the automation.
Lock the Sales Order for the button SEND to appear

You find the button SEND on your Sales Orders List View or in the Order Tracker

Click the button SEND to export the Credit Request to Hilldun > click [Yes, Continue]
This will generate a file and send it to a web location, ready for Hilldun to collect it and process it.

The button in your List View and on the OT will change from 'Send' to 'Sent'

Your connector 'Activity' will show you the file name and a log of its delivery to Hilldun
You can refer to this log if you need to enquiry the receipt of the file directly with Hilldun.

'Factoring Status' and 'Factoring Response' are now showing in Zedonk as "Pending"
Inside the Sales Order

...and on the List View
Here a reminder of how to build your own grid layout