Please note: This process is only available for Inventory Users.
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Collect consolidated totals to generate one Production Order for all your Divisions
The Mother Division (Main) can be used for Production and the Child Division can be used for the purpose of Distribution
Please see: Manufacturers - Add New Manufacturer
Please see: Customers - Add a New Customer
Please see: Sales Orders - Add New
Place Sales Orders into Production
Here you will now see an option to select your Manufacturer - You must select your Production Division as your Manufacturer
And once selected - click [OK]

Within the Order Details Tab, you can list a Docket Reference, suggesting this is the Total Production of Sales Orders received within the Distribution Division
For example: UK STOCK TO ORDER
Please see Enter all details in the Docket Details tab for the Production Order and click save to confirm...
Within the Products Tab, you can enter Products and Quantities onto the Production Order
And Click [SAVE]

To Finalise, Click on [FINALISE]
You will now see an option to select your Customer - You must select your Distribution Division as your Customer
And once selected - click [FINALISE]
This action will automatically create your production order of the Distribution Division, as a Sales Order within the Production Division
The Sales Order will be flagged on the Production Order as below:
You will see the Stock to Produce of the Distribution Division created as Sales Order alongside your Production Division's Sales Orders

You can now create a Production Order of your consolidated totals of the Distribution Division + Production Division
You can use the Docket Reference Field to suggest this is the Consolidated Totals of your stock to produce
Please see:
- Book In - Create an In Transit
- Book In - Convert an In Transit to a Book In (Incase you have a warehouse integration with this - this step will be performed by the WMS connector)
You can Issue a corresponding Delivery Note within the Order Tracker of Distribution Division's Sales Order to reflect Stock shipped to the Distributing location
Please see Delivery Notes - Add Delivery Note
Please see Book In - Create a Book In