Use a scanner or your keyboard to enter barcodes and quantities when you receive stock from your manufacturers

The cursor is automatically positioned to the field Barcode/Quantity
When you scan a barcode, you want the scanner to send the thirteen digits of the barcode followed by a "Return", "Enter", "Tab"to Zedonk.
This means you need to follow the set up instructions to set a "suffix" ( being the "return/enter/tab"). Different scanners typically work in similar ways but you may need to look at your scanner manual to configure it correctly.
If configured correctly, when you scan a barcode, the barcode will briefly appear in the "barcode/quantity" field and automatically be added.
You can scan every single piece you have received..

and Zedonk will add them up for you!
..or you can select [Find & Set Quantity] from Actions dropdown..

... and select a product and size from the dropdown and enter the units received

click here for more info