After you click the "Synchronise" button the Export Results will populate with all the data sent from Zedonk to Xero and the reply from Xero.
For INVOICES/CREDIT NOTES successfully created in Xero, you will see:
NOT FOUND ( it was not already in Xero)
CREATE ( it has been created in Xero)
If a document has been modified it will say:
CUSTOMER RECORD ERROR - all invoices/credit notes for this customer will not be imported but all others will be imported.
INVOICE/CREDIT NOTE ERROR - nothing in this sync will be imported. You will need to rectify the error and then sync again.
You can search for the word "Errors" in the log.
Mac - Command+F > type 'Error'
PC - Control+F > type 'Error'

In this example: Xero allows for only one correctly formatted email address in the Contact Details email field. In Zedonk you can have multiple entries.
The relating document number in Zedonk is further down the list in the section <InvoiceNumber>

2. Here is the error message - invoice has a payment or credit allocated to it in Xero and cannot be updated
3. Here is the Invoice number the error refers to
In this example: Xero does not allow a document to be updated/edited if a payment or credit note has been allocated to it.

1. This error message - you cannot import documents or modified documents before a Xero LOCK DATE
If you are unable to resolve the issue then please send an email to the Zedonk team via the "Ask Us" option in Zedonk. Please attach:
1. A copy of the export log in a word/text document.
2. A screenshot of your connector export settings (Same screen as your export log).
3. A screenshot of your connector configuration settings (Click button 'Configuration Settings').