You can now add up to 4 product images, one swatch image, one 360-degree image and one video per product

Review the General Details and add/amend Media and Recommendations for the Product
Style and Fabric pull through from Product Costings
1. Details - Add up to 500 characters of additional information to view on the Buyer Portal for this product
2. Badges - Select a badge if applicable to the product. To create badges please go to your system settings: 10. Badge: Add badges to apply to your products
3. Main Colour - Select the Main Style for the Buyer Portal. The swatches will pull through for the other styles "Included" as swatches for this product.
You can perform bulk actions on your products by going back to the Line Sheet > Products tab, selecting your records and clicking on the (x) Selected button. The bulk actions include:
- Move/Copy to Section
- Add/Remove Badges
- Add/Remove Recommendations
- Add/Update Minimum Order Quantity
- Remove Products
1. Remove any Colours you do not wish to include as a swatch.
2. Rearrange your colours.
3. This is assigned as the Main Product.
4. Add additional Line Comments for the Buyer Portal. Any added comments will pull through to the submitted sales order.
5. Minimum Order Qty. Specify the minimum order quantity for your buyers. Ensure the Minimum Order Quantity option is enabled on the buyer portal when you send it to your customers.

The Image will pull through to the Buyer Portal for the Main Product and only the Swatch will pull through for all the rest of the Colours
Upload your media and click [SAVE] when ready

Changes made here affect the Product Costing details, all Line Sheets and all Selections.

1. Search for Products from the Line Sheet
2. Show or Hide Product Images
3. Show or Hide only products that have been selected
4. Select products from the line sheet that you wish to recommend on the Buyer Portal for this product
5. Click OK when completed