Line Sheets - General Details
- Line sheet Name. This is the name established for your Line sheet
- Season. This is the Season the Line Sheet exists in
- Owner. This is the Username that has created this line sheet
- Style. This is the style of line sheet selected when creating it
- Description. You can add up to 500 characters of description for your line sheet. This can be a short introduction to the products on the line sheet
- Delivery Period. This will pull through from the Delivery Period entered within the System Settings and you can manually enter/amend this as well
- Show Fabric. Choose to show or hide the Fabric on the buyer portal. Pull through automatically from the System Settings: Digital Showroom - System Settings - Line Sheet / Selections
- Show Product Description. Choose to show or hide the Product Description on the buyer portal. Pull through automatically from the System Settings Digital Showroom - System Settings - Line Sheet / Selections
- Show Textile Content. Choose to show or hide the Textile Content on the buyer portal. Pull through automatically from the System Settings Digital Showroom - System Settings - Line Sheet / Selections
- Show Country of Origin. Choose to show or hide the Country of Origin on the buyer portal. Pull through automatically from the System Settings Digital Showroom - System Settings - Line Sheet / Selections
- Show Line Comments. Choose to show or hide the Line Comments on the buyer portal. Pull through automatically from the System Settings Digital Showroom - System Settings - Line Sheet / Selections
- Select the PDF Layout for the Line Sheet. To view all layouts: 8. Select your Default Layout for printing your Line Sheets / Selections - These will appear as per below:
- Active. Tick/Untick to mark the Line Sheet as Active/Inactive
- Lock. Tick/Untick to mark the Line Sheet as Locked/Unlocked
- Actions Menu. Utilise this menu within each Line Sheet as below:

1. Change Line Sheet Name/Style. Change your Line Sheet Name/Style (this will not affect existing selections/shared portal links)
2. Copy. Create a copy of your Line Sheet
3. Copy To New Selection. Copy your Line Sheet to create a Selection from it
4. Print. Print your Line Sheet PDF
5. Email. Email your Line Sheet
6. Export Product CSV. Export a product CSV of your Line Sheet