- ORDRE collects from Zedonk: Customer Details and Product details.
- ORDRE sends to Zedonk: Orders.
Important Requirements:
ALL PRODUCTS MUST HAVE A BARCODE NUMBER (Barcode Module required) both in Zedonk and Ordre. Only products with a valid barcode numbers will be recognised when orders are sent from Ordre to Zedonk.
Now to get started..... Go to CONNECTORS

Connector SETTINGS

1. Import Order Season: Zedonk will import and create the orders in the season you select on this screen.
2. Import Order Approved: tick if you want the orders Imported from Ordre to be automatically approved in Zedonk.
3. Order Owner: This user will be the "Order Owner" for the sales orders imported from Ordre.
Prepare your CATALOGUE
Here you decide what products will be exported to Ordre and how to group them.

Click '+ Collection' to start
Input the 'Collection' name you want to see in Ordre + click 'OK'
or 'OK & Add Another' to add another Collection Name/ 'OK & Go In' to move onto the Look name options for the Collection you are in.
Repeat the process if you have multiple Collections (You can have multiple Collections but you will not be able to have the very same product in more than one collections at the time).

Within the 'Collection' folder you have created select '+ Look'
Input the 'Look' name you want to see in Ordre.
Repeat the process if you have multiple Looks (You can have multiple Looks but you will not be able to have the very same product in more than one Look at the time).

Within the 'Look' folder you have created select '+ Add Product'
Use the filters to find the products you want to add to this section > Select the products and ADD
Find your products using any/all
1. Filter by season
2. Filter by Product Category
3. Enter data to search by
4. Click to 'Select All' listed products
5. Select individual products
6. To clear your displayed selection
7. Then click 'Add X Products'
The picture icon shows that you have a main image available for each product. It will be blank otherwise.
[Save] and Repeat for all Collections and Looks required.
Customer and Product details are collected by Ordre.
Please discuss with Ordre how to control this action and what are the options available.
Orders sent from Ordre to Zedonk
When an order is submitted from Ordre to Zedonk, it is created automatically in the season specified on the connector settings.
If the Customer Name received from Ordre is not already in Zedonk, then a new customer is automatically created in Zedonk.
Barcode numbers are used as unique identifier for the products/skus. If a barcode number received from Ordre is missing or is not in Zedonk, the order is created without that product/sku. The Connector History would be showing the error and the error details. You an also activate notifications in your company settings for specific users to be notified of any connector errors.
The Ordre <order number> + <PO number> will show into the Zedonk <Order Ref>.
The Order in Zedonk will show prices as specified by Ordre.
Here a file with more details for every field send from Ordre to Zedonk:
Depending on your connector settings, Orders might be created in Zedonk UNAPPROVED. Remember to APPROVE them if needed.
NOTE: Updating an order in Ordre WILL NOT automatically update the order already in Zedonk. If you re-submit the order from Ordre, this will create a new order in Zedonk (in this case you can inactivate the first order originally created).
Monitor the IMPORT history and potential errors in the connector's Activity