You can use the Le New Black Connector to export Products from Zedonk to Le New Black.
The Style + Fabric + Colour makes the Product ID within Zedonk and this will create a unique product in Le New Black.
If your Products already exist on Le New Black, please make sure to match up the Barcodes per size in each system.

Please note: We recommend creating Products from Zedonk and exporting them to Le New Black.
If you choose to create Products in Le New Black by Variants - you will not be able to perform a Data Export (an export of Product and Customer Information). You will only then be able to use the Connector for Importing Sales Orders.
You can use Zedonk to generate Barcodes: Barcodes - Settings
You can also use Zedonk to allocate your GS1 Barcodes: Barcodes - Entering GS1 Barcode Range
You can first export your Barcodes from Zedonk: Barcodes - Data Export / Import
And then Copy these Barcodes to corresponding Product Sizes in Le New Black within Inventory by SKU