To push the Products to Le New Black, you will first have to create a Catalogue of all the Products that you wish to export to Le New Black.

Then head to 'Catalogue'

Click 'OK & Add Another' to save this Section/Collection and create another, or 'OK & Go In' to proceed with creating the subsections for this folder (below)
or click 'OK' to close the pop up and continue working.

Find your products using any/all
1. Filter by season
2. Filter by Product Category
3. Enter data to search by
4. Click to 'Select All'
5. Select individual products
6. To Clear your displayed selection
7. Click 'Add X Products' to add selected products to the catalogue
Any products already present in your catalogue will be greyed out with the open book icon next to it, as you cannot have a product in your catalogue more than once.
[Save] Products will be listed in your catalogue as per the following example:

The picture icon shows that you have a main image available for each product. It will be blank otherwise.
If the product has already been added, it will be greyed out. The icon in the second column from the left will indicate whether the product already exists in the section you are working in (folder icon) or it exists in the catalogue in a section you are not currently working in (book icon). Note that you cannot add the same product to two different sections.