If you have different costs for raw materials and make costs from sampling to production, you might want to separate sample production from bulk production into separate seasons.
If you have inventory it is essential to separate sampling season from production to ensure you have an accurate product stock and raw material inventory for your raw material sampling orders before producing your bulk season.
Inventory Module is an optional add-on. For more details contact us at HELLO ZEDONK.
Run through the usual processes to create raw materials
For detailed information, read creating Raw Materials.
Note the sampling price in the memo card so it is visible when raising a Purchase Order.

Raise Purchase Orders for your sampling fabric orders.
For more information on raising Purchase Orders, read Purchase Orders.
1. Enter quantity ordered
2. Enter sample price
3. Review from memo card information visible here but not on printed PO
Book In Purchase Order and Dispatch to Manufacturer (Inventory Users Only)
Book IN Purchase Order (Inventory users only). For more information - booking in received Purchase Orders
From Purchase Orders - click on the PO number and then Book In > "+Add"

Enter exactly what you have received, then click Save.
Raw Materials are now updated in the Raw Material Inventory module.
Dispatch to Manufacturer
Assuming you have specified to send the raw materials to your Main Inventory when you created your Purchase Order, you will need to dispatch the raw materials from your Main Inventory to your Manufacturer's Inventory.
For more information about dispatching Raw Materials to a Manufacturer
From RAW MATERIALS INVENTORY - click on Dispatch Notes
Add dispatch note and specify which location to send it from/to.

Add raw material, specify the quantities to dispatch and click Save.
Mark the dispatch note as 'Dispatched', then click Save.
Raw Materials Inventory - Manufacturer is updated (Transferred In column)