
Reports - Filter, Group and Sort

Select the report you want to work on

To apply a Filter....

1. Type in the relevant field the filter you wish to apply 

2. Click on the champagne glass 

3. Select the filter logic and wait for the page to reload

Type in the relevant field > click on the champagne glass and select the filter logic > wait for the page to reload

For example, this is how you can filter the Full Invoice/Credit report by the Customer name

To apply a Grouping....

Right click the header you wish to Group by and select 'Group By' from the dropdown

The report is now grouped by that data field

Any of the columns showing totals will now also showing subtotals for each group

To Sort by a data field....

Click on a header to sort the report Ascending by that field.. ..click it again to Sort Descending

The header is now darker and shows the arrow up for Ascending and arrow down for Descending

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