To create Custom Reports you will need to ensure your user permissions settings allows this - to see how to do this, read this
From Reports, find and Select the report wish to amend and click [Customise]

Report details are displayed, you can make changes as required
This will not overwrite the existing report but it will create a new one
Custom Report Name: Type in the name for your Custom Report

Reports will be sorted alphabetically. We suggest you start with your name or department in order to find it easily in the list.
Zedonk shows the "parent" report which defines the possible fields you will be able to add

Zedonk shows the API Key to access the report via API

(for more info and to obtain access to API please contact [email protected])
If this report allows it, you can ADD extra fields from the dropdown

REMOVE a field by clicking on the red cross

N.B. that if you remove a field which has a preset filter, the filter will no longer apply
i.e. Removing the field CS (current season) from the example above, would make the report run across all seasons and you will not be able to sort/filter by this field. You might want to keep the field and just remove the filter if required
N.B. if you want to schedule a report for a SPECIFIC season ( where Multiple Season selection is not available) follow this instruction
In order for the "Custom Report" and 'Scheduled Report" feature to work on this report you need CS "Unticked" and the season specified in the "Season" category (Manually written in but matching exactly the way the season is written in SETTINGS).
Amend Header names as required

Adjust the width of columns

Add Sort Priority - insert priority number (1,2,3..) and define Ascending or Descending

In this example the report will be automatically sorted
by "Customer Category", Descending (Z to A).
Within the Category, by "Customer Country", Ascending (AtoZ)
Within the Country, by "Customer Name", Ascending (AtoZ)
[You can leave the Sort Priority blank if not needed]
Add Grouping Priority - insert priority number (1,2,3..)

In this example the report will be automatically grouped
by "Customer Category" and
within the category, by "Customer Country"
Select a filter rule from the dropdown, then set your filter value

In this example the report will only show
orders created on or after 01/01/2015
not including my customer category "Stock"
Save + Close

Back to your report list where you can DISPLAY or EXPORT or SCHEDULE your new custom report
Click on CUSTOMISE to make any amendments, copy or delete this report
Make any change and "Save+Close" to amend the report.
"Close" to exit without saving
"Delete" to remove the report from the list
"Copy" to create a copy - then you can change name and settings for a different result.