As part of your Zedonk Standard Package you can create 7 custom reports; with 5 Monthly and 2 Weekly scheduled reports. If you would like further information and prices about multiple reports, please click here HELLO ZEDONK
In your system you can create Custom and Scheduled reports...
- CUSTOM REPORTS will allow you to start from an existing report and customise it to your needs, remove/add fields, decide the order of your columns, customise the name of the headers, set default sorting, grouping and set your filters. You can save it and access it anytime you need it.
- SCHEDULE REPORTS will allow you to schedule your standard or your custom report to be emailed to you daily, weekly or monthly at a set time window. You will be able to type in the recipient, the subject and body of the email and the name of the csv file which will be sent.
Note that you will have a maximum number of Custom and Scheduled reports depending on the package you have purchased.
User Permissions needs to be given to a user in order to access these functionalities...
For more details on User Permissions
Reports - Custom Reports View

Custom Reports View allows the user to display and export existing Custom Reports (created by other users)
Reports - Custom Reports Edit / Create

Custom Reports Edit / Create allows the user to create and save Custom Reports
Reports - Scheduled Reports Edit / Create

Scheduled Reports Edit / Create allows the user to set up a schedule for an automatic report to be emailed out.
Custom Reports will be shown in the reports section grouped together and sorted alphabetically

You can see how many Custom Reports you have created against your total availability
Scheduled Reports will be shown in the reports section grouped together and sorted alphabetically

Next to each Scheduled Report a letter shows if you set your schedule to be D=Daily, W=Weekly or M=Monthly. You can see how many Daily, Weekly and Monthly Reports you have Scheduled against your total availability