Zedonk will push the following through to WooCommerce:
1. Product ID (Style+Fabric+Colour) (unless a different 'Product Name' is specified on the connector catalogue)
2. Description (unless a different 'Description' is specified on the connector catalogue)
(it can be excluded from the export in the connector settings)
3. Slug (URL-friendly version of the name)
(it can be excluded from the export in the connector settings)

4. Markdown Price (it can be excluded from the export on the connector catalogue)
5. RRP (it can be excluded from the export in the connector settings)

6. IMAGE (it can be excluded from the export in the connector settings)

7. Zedonk will automatically generate a unique Product SKU
(unless a different 'SKU' is specified on the connector catalogue)

Also this ....
8. Sizes will be created as "Variations"
9. Variations SKU (various options available, to discuss with Zedonk on set-up)
10. Weight - as entered in PRODUCT COSTING - if you have not entered anything this will remain at 0.0

Then you will need to do a full PRODUCT EXPORT from Zedonk to populate WooCommerce.
You can chose to exclude some data in your connector settings, for further information on the connector settings
You will need to ensure that the Product SKUs and Variations SKUs match the records in Zedonk.