In the yellow banner, you have a reference of your WooCommerce Variant SKU. This can either be 'Barcode' (if you have the barcode module), or PRODUCT ID + (space)+ SIZE, or ZEDONK STYLE + (space) + SIZE.
You may want to input some of these fields directly in WooCommerce
You already have amended some of these fields in WooCommerce and you don't want Zedonk to overwrite them on the next Product Export.

EXPORT - Price
EXPORT - ATS (Available to Sell)
IMPORT - ADJUSTMENTS (Sales and Refunds)

Select the season or seasons from which RRP will be pushed to WooCommerce. If a product has different RRP in two or more selected seasons, Zedonk will push the latest one.
If the RRP price in the latest season is "0.00" this will not be sent to WooCommerce
EXPORT - ATS (Available to Sell)
Select the season or seasons from which AVAILABLE TO SELL stock levels will be pushed to WooCommerce. If a product has stock in two or more selected seasons, Zedonk will push its sum.
(If you select LATEST PRODUCT SEASON, Zedonk will look into the most recent season in which a product is visible, amongst the ones selected in your connectors GENERAL SETTINGS).
IMPORT - ADJUSTMENTS (Sales and Refunds)
Select the season or seasons into which the stock adjustments will be made when a sale or refund is processed in WooCommerce. Zedonk will make the adjustment in the latest season with positive stock, amongst the seasons selected.
Note: If the product is not visible in any of the seasons selected in the connector settings the adjustment will not be made in Zedonk.
Click 'Save'
See from your home screen status of your connector in real time

To see how to set this up - read here