Now you are ready to create a catalogue of all products you want to push from Zedonk to WooCommerce.
You will also need to perform this action to tell Zedonk which products it should be sending ATS figures for

ind your products using any/all
1. Filter by season
2. Filter by Product Category
3. Enter data to search by
4. Click to 'Select All' listed products
5. Select individual products
6. To clear your displayed selection
7. Then click 'Add X Products'
The picture icon shows that you have a main image available for each product. It will be blank otherwise.

1. Woo Commerce Product Name: Enter a new value if you would like the product name on woo commerce to differ from the Product ID. If left blank the Product ID will be sent across in the Product Export.
2. Description: Enter a new value if you would like the product description on woo commerce to differ from the product's Zedonk description. If left blank the Zedonk description will be sent across in the Product Export.
3. Woo Commerce Product SKU: This is the unique code generated by the connector when you add a product to your catalogue. This will need to match the Woo Commerce Product SKU on your products in Woo Commerce. But would be included with the product export.
4. Slug: URL friendly version of the product name.
5. Markdown Price: the markdown price of your product would be included in the price export task.
6. Exportable: If selected, the product will be included in the next product export. If deselected, the product will not be included in the next product export.
Or edit these details from the list view:
If you want to exclude some of these fields from your Product Export, please check your connector settings