Note: New products added to the order do not make a stock adjustment in WooCommerce and Zedonk.

If you have a core product in both SS20 and AW20, with stock in both of them, and both of them selected in the connector settings, the adjustment will be made in the most recent season. In this example it will be AW20.
Note: If the product is not visible in any of the seasons selected in the connector settings the adjustment will not be made in Zedonk.

For a Positive adjustment the Adjustment Description will state " WOOCOMMERCE ORDER UPDATE"
For a negative adjustment the Adjustment Description will state "WOOCOMMERCE ORDER REFUND"
Remove the Current Season filter in order to see all seasons at once.

Filter by 'Adjustment Description' to contain the word WooCommerce

And you can sort by Adjustment Date Created to see the latest adjustments at the top.

Display Report or Export to Excel