Raw Materials are the materials and/or components required to produce your products. The list view shows all your materials, active and visible in the current season selected

Actions available from the dropdown:
- Raw Materials
- Raw Material by Colour to view all variants for each Raw Materials on a separate row
- Set Season Visibility for more information on Set Season Visibility
- Exchange Rate for more information on Exchange Rate for Raw Materials
- Image Import to upload Raw Material images in bulk
- Data Import to import or update Raw Materials in Bulk

1. Select All or Clear All
2. Quantity Required - Quantity required for Production
3. Create PO - create a Purchase Order for the Raw Material
4. Bulk Action - take Bulk Actions for selected Raw Materials
5. Export CSV - export all data visible on list view to CSV
6. Print Options - for more information on print options available

For more information on Select/Move/Filter functionality and List View layout
Search function searches the below fields:
- Raw Material ID
- Our Reference
- Material Category
- Supplier
- Supplier Category
- Colour