Create products in bulk using the import template. Mandatory fields for creating new products are STYLE, FABRIC, COLOUR, MANUFACTURER, SIZE CATEGORY, and any PRODUCT CATEGORIES that have been marked as mandatory

All mandatory columns need to be completed on the .csv template in order to create products
The mandatory fields to create a Product are Style, Fabric, Colour, Size Category (the name of the category from your settings), Manufacturer and Product Category (if you have these set as mandatory in your settings. You only need to populate the columns you want to use - delete the others. To create new Products DO NOT POPULATE Product ID

1. To create new products, leave Product ID blank (Zedonk will generate a Product ID by combining Style, Fabric and Colour
2. Enter your STYLE FABRIC COLOUR - you can copy and paste from another document N.B.50 characters limit for style 20 for fabric 30 for colour
3. Enter relevant PRODUCT CATEGORY - from the selection you have entered in Product Settings - Product Categories
4. Enter Description N.B. 50 character limit
5. Enter Size Category - from the selection you have entered in Product Settings - Size Categories
6. Enter Manufacturer - from the selection you have entered in Manufacturers
Do not use these symbols: £, €, ¥, § (excel replaces them with other characters when saving as CSV).
You can enter data for all the columns on the template
You do not have to populate all columns for every product - you can select what you add for each product ( you can do a bulk update later)
A couple more things to note ...
If you are not sure - check General Settings - Bank Details

In any column where a drop down exists in Zedonk you MUST enter one of those options i.e. CUSTOMS TYPE
If you are not sure - check CUSTOMS TYPES in Product Settings - Customs Types or leave blank and update later

If you do not enter anything in MANUFACTURING TYPE it will use your default type as per your Product Settings - Default Manufacturing Type

When finished save .csv file.
The import is seasonal so be sure you are in the correct season before doing your import

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