Change the Size Category for an existing product
If the Product is attached to sized raw materials you will first need to remove the sized materials in order to change the product's size category.

Click the Product to enter the record or select [Edit] from action button

select the new size category

click [OK]

The size category on your product will be updated accordingly.

You will only be able to change the size category to one which contains the same or more sizes as the current one.
Select the new size category

click [OK]

You will then need to dictate which size you would like each old size to convert to under the sizes in the new size category, and therefore which sizes you want quantities to move to:

Once selected, decide if you want to keep and move the existing barcodes, or deselect if you want new barcodes to be assigned to the new sizes, and click 'Change':

enter 'CHANGE' to confirm you would like to proceed, then click 'Perform Action':

your size category will be changed accordingly: