Sales from Shopify are processed as a negative Stock Adjustment in Zedonk
The adjustment is made in the latest season amongst the ones selected in your settings, in which the item is visible and has positive stock.
If you have a core product in both SS17 and AW17, with stock in both of them, and both of them selected in the connector settings, the adjustment will be made in the most recent season. In this example it will be AW17.
The adjustment description will show 'Shopify Order Create' and Shopify Order Number.
You also get the time and date the order was placed.
Please note: An actual Sale needs to have been created on Shopify for the Adjustments to come through to Zedonk. A Draft Order does not pull through.
Also if the stock has been updated on Shopify through another 3rd Party App instead of an actual Sales Order placed, the adjustment will not come through to Zedonk.
Use the Report, Products > Inventory > Full Product Adjustment to see all your Shopify Sales.
Remove the CS filter (Current Season) in order to see all seasons at once.

FIlter by 'Adjustment Description' to contain the word Shopify

And you can sort by Adjustment Date Created to see the latest adjustments at the top.

Display Report or Export to Excel