Add Raw Materials to Existing Products in bulk using the Import Template. Mandatory fields for adding Raw Materials to existing Products are Product ID, Sizes, Our Reference or Raw Material ID and Colour.
1. Product ID: Enter the Product ID to allocate Raw Materials against when the Import is performed
2. All Sizes/Sizes: Enter "All Sizes" if you are looking to allocate Raw Materials within the Raw Materials Tab and to All Product Sizes.
3. Enter each Product Size if you are looking to allocate Raw Materials within the Sized Raw Materials Tab and to each respective Product Size.
4. If BOM Material Types have been created within the System Settings, enter these here.
5. Our Reference or Raw Material ID: You can use either the "Our Reference" or the "Raw Material ID" to allocate Raw Materials to corresponding Products.
6. Colour: Enter the Raw Material Colour/ Variant you wish to allocate to corresponding Products.
7. Quantity: Enter the per unit consumption up to 3 decimal spaces for each Raw Material or the Sized Raw Material. Please ensure to write with "." instead of ",".
8. Enter any Notes for each Raw Material to populate within the Comments field.