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Learn about each module available in Zedonk

Digital Showroom + Selections

Part of the Digital Showroom Module, Digital Showroom and Selections are where the Digital Showroom Line Sheets, Buyer Portals, and Selections are managed.  

The Digital Showroom is an optional add-on. If you cannot access this from your home screen and you are interested in this module, please email [email protected]

For more information, review Digital Showroom.


Customers is an address book that holds your customer details, including payment, shipping and contact details.

For more information, review Customers.


Manufacturers is an address book that holds your manufacturer details. Manufacturers produce your Products.

For more information, review Manufacturers.


Suppliers is an address book that holds your customer details. Suppliers supply you with Raw Materials and/or Components required for your Products.

For more information, review Suppliers.


Orders is where you enter, store and manage all of your sales orders and related documentation (confirmation, proformas, delivery notes, invoices, return authorisations, and credit notes).

For more information, review Sales Orders.

Product Costings

Product Costing is where you create and build your products. You can also enter product-specific manufacturer details, raw materials required and costing information.

For more information, review Product Costing.

Raw Materials

Raw Materials are the materials and/or components required to produce your products.

For more information, review Raw Materials.

Production Analysis

Production Analysis displays a breakdown of all products for all approved Sales Orders.

For more information, review Production Analysis.

Production Book Out / Book In

Production Book Out / Book In is where you manage or generate Production Orders for your manufacturers, book in stock received and view materials required to complete production.

Production Book Out / Book In is part of our Inventory Module and is an optional add-on. If you cannot access it from your home screen and are interested in this module please email [email protected]

For more information, review Production Book Out / Book In.

Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders are orders to your Suppliers who supply the Raw Materials required to produce a product.

For more information, review Purchase Orders.

Stock Allocations

Stock Allocation allows you to allocate all received stock to open Sales Orders with requirements and generate Pick Tickets or Delivery Notes for all instantly,

Allocation is an optional add-on. If you cannot access it from your home screen and are interested in this module please email [email protected]

For more information, review Allocation.

Products Stock Inventory

Product Stock Inventory is where you can manage your current and projected Product Inventory

Product Stock Inventory is part of our Inventory Module and is an optional add-on. If you cannot access it from your home screen and are interested in this module please email [email protected]

For more information, review Product Stock Inventory.

Raw Materials Inventory

Raw Material Inventory is where you can manage your current and projected Raw Material Inventory, both Main Stock and Manufacturer Stock.

Raw Materials Inventory is part of our Inventory Module and is an optional add-on. If you cannot access it from your home screen and you are interested in this module please email [email protected]

For more information, review Raw Materials Inventory.


Reports allow you to extract and analyse data entered in your system.

For more information, review Reports.


Barcodes allow you to generate and/or allocate numerical identification numbers unique for every product in every size.

The Barcodes module is an optional add-on. If you cannot access it from your home screen and are interested in this module please please email [email protected]

For more information, review Barcodes.


Connectors allow you to connect Zedonk to external systems, such as Xero, QuickBooks, Joor, NuOrder, Warehouse Management System and more. 

For a comprehensive list of the connectors available please please email [email protected]

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