
What is the VISIBLE and INVISIBLE status?

You can make existing Products and Raw Materials visible in the new Season. Please ensure your seasons are set up correctly.

If you are making multiple products visible in the new season, refer to the Set Season Visibility - Using Existing Products article.

Note: VISIBLE and INVISIBLE statuses are different from ACTIVE and INACTIVE statuses. To learn more, read the What is the ACTIVE and INACTIVE status? article.

Go to the Product Costings module

PRODUCT COSTING visible in a season, open the list view

By default, you will see products that are visible in the season you are working in, which is highlighted in orange in the top-right corner (AW19 in the example above).

V indicates whether the product is visible in the season you are working in.

Only VISIBLE products can be added to sales orders and production orders.

Click on the [Clear Filter] button to reset your filters and only display ACTIVE and VISIBLE products.

Click on the [X] next to Visible to display products from all seasons

Tick INCLUDE INVISIBLE to see all Invisible Products included in the list (All product from other seasons)

Products from all seasons will display in the list view

Click [Clear Filter] to return to the default view

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