You can add Addresses and Contacts for existing Customers from the import of a CSV file.

The CSV template file will download onto your computer.
You only need to populate the columns you want to use - you can delete the others.
A few things to note ...

ST = Store Address
DE = Delivery Address
AC = Accounts Address
CO = Contact
A Store Address (ST) is also automatically applied to Delivery (DE) and/or Accounts(AC), if either of those are missing on the customer record.
For "Brad's Shop" in the example above, I am not creating DE and AC addresses, therefore ST will be used as Store, Delivery and Accounts address.
For "Marco's Shop" in the example above, I am not creating an AC address, therefore ST will be used as Store and Accounts address.
Y - if you want the entry to be the default one for its type.
N - if you want the entry to be a secondary one for its type.
For "Alex's Shop" in the example above, I am creating two DE addresses, one to be my default address, and the other one to be my secondary address.
ST (Store Address) allows you to use: 1-Store Number ; 3-Full Address ('Country' Mandatory) ; 4-Description
DE (Delivery Address) allows you to use: 2-Company Name ; 3-Full Address ('Country' Mandatory) ; 4-Description ; 5-Reference ; 6-Contact Info
AC (Accounts Address) allows you to use: 2-Company Name ; 3-Full Address ('Country' Mandatory) ; 4-Description ; 5-Reference ; 6-Contact Info
CO (Contact) allows you to use: 4-Description ; 5-Reference ; 6-Contact Info ('Contact' Mandatory)
STATE CODE and COUNTRY are accepted as 2-letter code or as a full name.
Drag and Drop your CSV file in the box or Select it using the green button.
Click [Next]

You see 'valid' columns which have been recognised, and 'invalid' columns which have not been recognised and therefore will be ignored.
Click [Next]

Click on the button [Error] for more details.
ERROR: One line is giving me an error because the <Contact> is missing, but it is mandatory for a CO entry.

You can untick the lines with error and exclude them from the import, or go back to your file, amend and repeat the process until you have no errors.