Any of the following Styles can be exported and printed in the size you require

1. Barcode Image
Type Font: Times New Roman

2. Barcode Image + Product Information (Under Barcode Image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

3. Barcode Image, Product Information + Description (Under Barcode Image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

4. Barcode Image + Product Information (Right of Barcode Image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

5. Barcode Image + Product Information (Left of Barcode Image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

6. Client Logo, Barcode +Product Information (Right of images)
Type Font: Times New Roman

7. Large Barcode + Product Information (Right of Barcode Image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

8. Retail Label (with field to enter brand name).
Type Font: Times New Roman

9. Retail Label + RRP (with field to enter brand name)
Type Font: Times New Roman

10. Product, Description, Colour, Size (Right of Image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

11. Product, Description, Colour, Size (Above Wide Barcode Image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

12. Product, Colour, Description, Size, (Borders)
Type Font: Futura (Light)

13. Style, Fabric, Colour, Description, Size (Borders)
Type Font: Futura (Light)

14. Style, Fabric, Colour, Season, Description, Size (Borders)
Type Font: Futura (Light)

15. Style,Fabric,Colour,RRP,Description,Size (Borders)
Type Font: Futura (Light)

Note: Only one RRP can be printed on this label. Information is pulled from the currency selected in your barcode configuration screen <DEFAULT BARCODE LABEL - CURRENCY - 1> field.
16. Retail RRP (No Side Text) V1 Fabric
Type Font: Futura LT Pro Book

17. Retail RRP (No Side Text) V 2 Textile Content
Type Font: Futura LT Pro Book

18. Shoe Box
Type Font: Times New Roman

19. Shoe Box, Image, Logo
Type Font: Futura Std Bold, Futura Std Medium

20. Retail Shoe, Barcode with Image
Type Font: Futura LT Pro Book

21. Style, Description, Textile Content, Country of Origin, RRP, Retail Text
Type Font: Times New Roman

22. Style, Fabric, Colour, RRP, Description, Season, Size (Borders)
Type Font: Futura (Light)

23. Description, Colour, Size ( under wide barcode image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

24. Style, Colour, Size, Description, Image, Logo
Type Font: Futura Std Medium

25. Description, Colour, Size, Style, Made In. (Portrait)
Type Font: Futura LT Pro Book

26. Style, Description, Colour, Size (Right of image)
Type Font: Times New Roman

27. Style, RRP, Description, Colour, Size, Labels, Made In (Portrait)
Type Font: Arial

Note: Only one RRP can be printed on this label. Information is pulled from the currency selected in your barcode configuration screen <DEFAULT BARCODE LABEL - CURRENCY - 1> field.
28. Style, Fabric, Colour, Description, Size, Image, Logo
Type Font: Futura Std Medium

29. Style, Fabric, Colour, Textile Content, Size, RRP
Type Font: Arial

Note: Only one RRP can be printed on this label. Information is pulled from the currency selected in your barcode configuration screen <DEFAULT BARCODE LABEL - CURRENCY - 1> field.
30. Fabric, Colour, Size, Description, Image, Logo
Type Font: Futura Std Medium

31. Style, Colour, Categories, Size, Description, Image, WSP/RRP
Type Font: Arial

Note: Only one WSP/RRP can be printed on this label. Information is pulled from the currency selected in your barcode configuration screen <DEFAULT BARCODE LABEL - CURRENCY - 1> field.
32. Style, Fabric, Colour, Size, Description, Category 5
Type Font: Arial

33. Style, Fabric, Colour, Size, Description, RRP
Type Font: Arial

Note: Only one RRP can be printed on this label. Information is pulled from the currency selected in your barcode configuration screen <DEFAULT BARCODE LABEL - CURRENCY - 1> field.
34. Style, Size, Description, Barcode Image (Left)
Type Font: Times New Roman

35. Product, Description, Colour, Size (Right of Barcode Image)
Type Font: Arial

36. Style, Fabric, Description, Colour, Size (right aligned), Barcode Image at the bottom
Type Font: Arial

37. Style, Description, Colour, Size (middle aligned), Image between style and description
Type Font: Calibri

38. Style, Fabric, Colour, Description, Docket, Size (Borders)
Type Font: Futura (Light)

Note: Docket Number will only show if printed from a Docket record in Production Book Out/In.
39. Style, Fabric, Description, Colour, Size, Currency Name (right-aligned), RRP (right-aligned), Barcode Image at the bottom
Type Font: Times New Roman

Note: The currency name will pull through from what it has been set as in your System Settings.
Both prices will pull from the same currency's price list. (the Top value will be the WSP Value, the Bottom value will be the RRP Value)
40. Company Logo, Style, Fabric, Colour, size, MID, HTS, Country of Origin, Season, Product Image, Sales Order Number, Account Code, Barcode Image
Type Font: Helvetica

Note: For all information to pull through accordingly, this barcode will need to be exported from ORDERS.
41. Company Logo, Description, Style, Colour, Size, Barcode Image (Portrait)
Type Font: Calibri

42. Description, Product ID, Size, Barcode Image
Type Font: Futura (Light)

43. Style, Fabric, Colour, Size, Barcode Image
Type Font: Noto Sans

44. Description, Size, Style, Fabric, Colour, Textile Content, Country of Origin, Barcode Image
Type Font: Times New Roman

45. Style, Colour, Size, Product Id, Country, Barcode Image, Season
Type Font: Arial

46. Description, Style, Fabric, Colour, Size, Product Image, Barcode Image
Type Font: Times New Roman

47. Description, Style, Fabric, Size, Production Image, Barcode Image
Type Font: Times New Roman

48. Logo, Style, Fabric, Textile Content, Colour, Size, Labels, Barcode Image
Type Font: Arial

49. Logo, Description, Size Name, Image 1, Colour, Fabric, Style, Barcode Image
Type Font: Arial

50. Logo, Company Name, Company Address line 2, Company Town, Company Postcode, Barcode Image, Style, Fabric, Colour, Size, Docket Number
Type Font: Times New Roman

51. Style, Fabric, Colour, Composition, Size, Price, Barcode Image, Season
Type Font: Arial

52. Style, Fabric, Colour, Docket Number, Barcode Image, Size
Type Font: Calibri

53. Description, Size, Textile Content, Country, Style Fabric Colour, PO Number, Barcode image
Type Font: Times New Roman

The docket number can only be displayed if the barcode is exported from the Production Book Out/In module.