Inventory in Zedonk will be season and location specific with the Multi Location module. With a selected location on the list view, you will be able to review the inventory levels for that specific location only.

Click the Location Drop Down on the top of the screen to filter by a specific location's inventory.

The 'With Movement' filter will be applied as default to only list Products with stock movements. To include products visible in your season without any inventory levels or movements against them via the various actions in your system, click on the red 'x' to remove the 'With Movement' filter.
Opening Stock is stock you started the season with. Click on the figure to see a pop-up window of details of Opening Stock quantities included in the calculation for your filtered location.
Opening Stock can be added via the Set Opening Stock page or via Data Import
Adjustments made to stock levels throughout the season for the selected location. You will see the total sum of adjustments made against that product/size. Click on the figure to go to the adjustments list view filtered to your selected location, by that Product ID and Size.
For further details on the Adjustments page
Units listed on Sales Orders that have been Forced Closed in that season for your selected location. Click on figure to see overview of Closed Sales Orders in the chosen location.
For further details on how to Force Close a Sales Order
Units listed on Production Orders in that season for the selected location. Click on figure to see overview of Production Order quantities for that location.
For more details on marking a Production Order as Forced Closed
Stock listed on an In Transit from a Manufacturer for your selected location. Click on figure to see overview of In Transit quantities for the chosen location.
For more details on how to create an In Transit
Stock booked in from your production orders within your chosen location. Click on figure to see overview of received/booked in quantities within the chosen location.
For more details on how to create a Book/In
Total units currently on hand (excluding units listed on PT or DNs) for the chosen location. Click on figure to see breakdown of Closing stock quantities for your chosen location.
For more information on Closing Stock
Available is units on hand not required for open Sales Orders and free to sell across all locations. Click on figure to see overview of Available to Sell quantities for your chosen location.
For more details on Available to Sell
A forecast of what your projected available stock levels will be after all activities connected to this Product within your chosen location are complete. Click on figure to see overview of Projected stock quantities for your selected location.
For more details on Projected Stock
Onscreen Inventory reports to review key inventory levels for your selected location.
For more detailed information on Inventory Reports
Click here to start a new stock check or join an existing one for that season within your selected location. For more information on stock checks within multiple locations.

The stock check you start or join will be specific to the location you have filtered within your product stock inventory list view.
To manage your Stock check with Multi Locations
Click here to enter the Stock Transfer area to create new Transfer Requests or manage existing ones. For more information on managing your Stock Transfers.

To manage your Stock Transfers between your Locations.