Select the seasons for Zedonk to export prices and available to sell quantities from, and the season in which the orders are imported into.
For iPad go to App Store on your device, search for Zedonk and download the Zedonk App - N.B Minimum requirements - iPad 4 - iOS 10.3.3
For Android go to Play Store on your device, search for Zedonk and download the Zedonk App

1. Add a Brand Name - if you want the name on the email subject to be different from your Company Name (as it appears in Zedonk Web)
2. Choose the season orders from the Sales App will come back into
3. Choose if you want your Sales App orders to be imported as APPROVED ( if you leave unticked they will import as unapproved)
This is essential if you have Zedonk Inventory Module, are selling ATS and want to keep your stock levels up to date.