To add your collection to the Sales App, you first need to create a Catalogue via the Connectors Page. You can add sections to clearly label at categorise your products
For iPad go to App Store on your device, search for Zedonk and download the Zedonk App - N.B Minimum requirements - iPad 4 - iOS 10.3.3
For Android go to Play Store on your device, search for Zedonk and download the Zedonk App

Click 'OK & Add Another' to save this Section/Collection and create another, or 'OK & Go In' to proceed with creating the subsections for this folder (below)
You need a minimum of one section/folder to add products to your catalogue
To know how to add products to a section - read this
Click on the folder Icon to expand the sections and subsections within your catalogue, you can also select a section from here to jump to: