Selections can be made for each Customer independently directly within the Selections Module and you can find these products within the Product Selected Tab.

Now you can select your Product one by one
Here you can also filter by ATS and/or WIP, if you wish to create Selections for your Available to Sell / Work in Progress stock
Any product already added will be greyed out to indicate that it is already present, but you will still be able to select that product and add it into a different section.
E.g. If you have an embellished t-shirt and two sections 'Embellished' and 'T Shirts' and you could add the product to both sections for your customer to locate.
As pictured above - when a product is selected again the line will be grey and the text will go back to black, when newly added it will be highlighted in blue as normal.
Click [ADD & SELECT MORE] to continue adding products