This article will guide you through the buyer journey, once you've sent a selection by e-mail. If your customer does not exist on your Zedonk, you can prompt them to fill out the form and send their details, as described in the Sending a link to a New Customer article. This is particularly useful for your new prospects.

Based on what you have made available to them when creating the selection, the user can select any additional products they want to add to their order from here.
Like with the line sheets, they can click on them to view further details, and quantify them before adding them to their order.
Or they can add the products to their order and quantify them later.
(your selection can be in a swatches/split per colour layout)

Your customer also has the ability to filter the products on the main page:

Your buyer can amend quantities for selected products, review their order and submit
**if there are multiple addresses on your customer record they will be able to amend the store +/ delivery address accordingly

To submit the order, they will be prompted to enter a name for your reference.

They will then be able to download a PDF review of their placed order, it will be formatted as below:
You will also receive confirmation of the order submission to your email as below with a transcript of all messages:
You and your buyer can communicate via the portal.
You will be able to manage messages and communications via Zedonk web.

Your chosen documents will be available for your buyer to download via the 'Downloads' page. Available documents are the PDF Line Sheet, an Excel Order Sheet, and your Terms and Conditions.

Any additional attachments you have selected to include when emailing the portal can be exported from here.
*Once the order is submitted - the order recap will also then be available in the downloads section of the portal
- Customer Name
- Season
- Assigned delivery period
- Your company logo (Click this to bring up the 'description' pop-up again)
- Your Company Name
- The name of the Selection
- The deadline to submit/ the submission date once submitted
- Filtering Options
- Page navigation
- Notification Bell (notification examples imaged below)