You can invite new buyers to enter their details via a link or a QR code. Once you approved their request, a new customer record is created on your Zedonk and you can share the Line Sheet with them to quantify their order.
Go to System Settings > Digital Showroom > Line Sheets/Selections and enable [Allow New Customer Link] option
Go to Digital Showroom > select your line sheet > General Details tab to see the New Customer Link
1. Copy the link to clipboard
2. Show the QR code
3. Edit the internal e-mail addresses on CC of the form submission confirmation
The QR code can be easily shared with your prospects (print the QR code on your showroom stand, or simply copy it and attach to your email or messaging platform). Your prospect needs to open a camera app on their device (iPhone/Android), point at the QR code and your device will recognise the link!

When you send the link/QR code to your new buyer they will be asked to enter and submit their details
A confirmation email is sent to the new buyer. You will see there is a new pending customer in the Digital Showroom module
Click on the Line Sheet and go to the [New Customers] tab to manage the New Customer submissions
1. Approve submission - process the submission
2. Delete submission - ignore the submission
3. Green tick - submission was approved.
4. Yellow warning triangle - Zedonk identified a close/exact match via a validation check on your existing customer records.