Create email templates to email Sales Order documents to directly to Customers and Purchase Order documents to directly to Suppliers from Zedonk
At least one template must be added to the system in order to send out Sales Order documents to clients

Custom create your email address sent from Zedonk

1. Enter the Friendly Name (displayed in a recipient's email inbox in the “From” area)
2. Enter the Local Part of the Email Address
3. Enter your Brand Name
4. Click [+Add] to create a New Email Template
1. Name of the Template
2. Add company email contacts:
Default CC: This can be the Email you would like to receive a copy to
Default BCC: Email of individual you would like to bcc in the Email
Reply To: Email Address to which you would like receive a response to
CC the Reply To: Add the person in CC to the response
3. Enter the Email Subject
4. Enter email template body copy
Custom create your email address sent from Zedonk

1. Enter the Friendly Name (displayed in a recipient's email inbox in the “From” area)
2. Enter the Local Part of the Email Address
3. Enter your Brand Name
4. Click [+Add] to create a New Email Template
Enter email template details
1. Name of the Template
2. Add company email contacts:
Default CC: This can be the Email you would like to receive a copy to
Default BCC: Email of individual you would like to bcc in the Email
Reply To: Email Address to which you would like receive a response to
CC the Reply To: Add the person in CC to the response
3. Enter the Email Subject
4. Enter email template body copy
Custom create your email address sent from Zedonk

1. Enter the Friendly Name (displayed in a recipient's email inbox in the “From” area)
2. Enter the Local Part of the Email Address
3. Enter your Brand Name
4. Click [+Add] to create a New Email Template
Enter email template details
1. Name of the Template
2. Add company email contacts:
Default CC: This can be the Email you would like to receive a copy to
Default BCC: Email of individual you would like to bcc in the Email
Reply To: Email Address to which you would like receive a response to
CC the Reply To: Add the person in CC to the response
3. Enter the Email Subject
4. Enter email template body copy