You can email documents directly to your customers from the Order List View or from the Order Tracker....
Emails will be sent from [email protected] but when set up correctly, your customer will be able to reply directly to you.

To Create Email Templates General Settings - Email Templates
Select a Template

Complete the form

1. To / CC / BCC
Click on ADD to select client email address to use - these will populate from all email addresses entered in CUSTOMER record.
Click on ADD ME to add your own user registered email address.
or just input the email addresses separated by a comma.
2. Reply To
You have defined this when creating the template in your Settings. This is the address you customer reply will go to.
3. Include as 'CC'
Your Reply To address can be included as 'CC' in order to receive also the initial email out.
4. Attachments
Click on ADD to choose the attachments to send - see further below
5. Subject and Message
These will populate with the text from your Email Template Settings. You can add/amend as required.
Click on ADD to obtain a pop-up with the documents available to attach.
You will only see documents that you have raised against this sales order.

here an example for Sales Orders

..and and example for Invoices

A message appears at the top of your screen to confirm the email has been sent