You can Edit a selection of Sales Documents at once:
- Lock / Unlock Selected Documents, Update Prices, Add/Update Sales Order Tag, Add/Update Sales Order Priority, Approve / Un-approve Sales Orders, Force Close / Open Sales Orders, Add/Update Delivery Period and/or Delivery Date, Shipped/Unshipped Delivery Notes, Paid/Unpaid Invoices and Proformas
Bulk Actions will take in consideration your user permissions and only allow you to update documents your user is allowed to update.

Click corner tick box to select the whole page displayed
Or click [X Selected] and [Select All] to select all entries found after a filter has been applied

Some documents might not update because:
- The document is locked.
- Your user does not have permission to edit this document.
- The document did not need updating.
- The customer is On Hold and the hold status does not allow this action.